Vietnamese woman waving and smiling

Essential Vietnamese Phrases for Local Connections

Boost your Vietnam tour journey! Discover Essential Vietnamese Phrases for Local Connections that will enrich your adventures with genuine moments.

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Choosing to explore Vietnam with Motorbike Adventures Vietnam? You’ve made a brilliant decision! Tackling the roads and discovering local gems is all part of the experience, but nothing bridges the cultural divide like speaking a bit of the local language. By discovering essential Vietnamese phrases for local connections, you’re not just traveling—you’re connecting, understanding, and truly adventuring.

In an ever-connected world, a handful of local words can make all the difference. Let’s gear up with some Vietnamese essentials to elevate your ride through our beautiful landscapes. Let’s kick-start this journey!

Vietnamese 101: What Every Rider Should Know

Before diving into handy Vietnamese phrases for your adventure with Motorbike Adventures Vietnam, it’s essential to understand the rich history and nuances of the language. Picking up a new language can be a delightful journey, and there’s a unique charm to Vietnamese that makes it captivating.

Vietnam's Predominant Language

Did you know? Among the diverse 54 ethnic groups coexisting in Vietnam, a substantial 85% have Vietnamese (Kinh) as their primary language. This language doesn’t just resonate within Vietnam’s borders but also connects a diaspora of 4 million Vietnamese across global regions like the Czech Republic, the USA, France, and beyond.

Tracing Vietnamese Roots

The origins of Vietnamese trace back to the Austroasiatic languages, specifically the Tai-kadai family. Over the centuries, it’s been shaped by multiple influences. It shares phonetic nuances with Thai, tonal elements with Chinese, and structural similarities with languages from South Asian nations like India and Malaysia. What’s more, its vocabulary carries Cantonese inspirations. A notable linguistic evolution came in the 18th and 19th centuries when, through East-West cultural exchanges, French and Portuguese missionaries began transcribing Vietnamese in Latin characters.

Evolution of Contemporary Vietnamese

As Vietnamese embraced the Latin script, a significant influx of French vocabulary was incorporated, enriching the language’s accent and lexicon, each reflecting the distinctive culture of various regions.

The adoption of Latin characters has made Vietnamese more accessible for readers, especially with its consistent pronunciation guidelines. Its grammar is relatively straightforward, boasting fewer verb tenses and simpler rules compared to many Western languages. Nevertheless, mastering the nuances of addressing individuals and conveying respect in conversations can be challenging for newcomers.

Kickstart Conversations: Essential Vietnamese for Travelers

Embarking on a journey with Motorbike Adventures Vietnam does not just have to be about ripping along back country buffalo tracks or bombing down open roads with a stunning backdrop, but also about truly connecting with Vietnam’s vibrant culture. While our team is always on hand to bridge any communication gaps, immersing yourself by learning some basic Vietnamese phrases can significantly elevate your tour experience.

Being able to exchange a few words with locals not only deepens your engagement but also adds an authentic touch to your adventure. Don’t worry about mastering the language; even a few words can open doors to warm smiles and memorable encounters. So gear up, intrepid traveler, and let’s dive into some Vietnamese basics to enhance your journey!

On the Road: How to Address Locals

Based on how one perceives another’s age or their relationship, there’s a specific term to address them in Vietnamese. This is why locals often inquire about your age upon first meeting—it helps them address you with the appropriate level of respect, age is a large part of Vietnamese culture and language.

Essential Vietnamese Pronouns
English Vietnamese Pronunciation
I (general) Tôi Tuh-ee
I (towards a friend) Tớ Tuh
I (towards an older person, like a brother/sister) Em Em
I (towards an older person, such as an uncle or grandparent) Cháu Chow
I (towards younger people) Chị Chee
I (towards younger people at the same age of your little cousin,..) Cô/ Chú/ Bác/ Ông/ Bà Coh/ Choo/ Bak/ Ohng/ Bah
You Bạn Ban
Male, Female (Junior, younger than you) Em Em
Male/ Female (Senior, a bit older than you) Anh/ Chị Ahn/ Chee
Male/ Female (a bit younger than your parents) Cô/ Chú Coh/ Choo
Male/Female (a bit older than your parents) Bác trai/ Bác gái Bak try/ Bak gai
Male/Female (the same age as your grandparents) Ông/ Bà Ohng/ Bah

Start Your Day Right: Vietnamese Greetings

Vietnamese locals enjoy engaging in conversations and forming new friendships. However, they might be hesitant to initiate with tourists. So, if you’re eager to connect, don’t hesitate to start a chat and just be patient.

Familiarize yourself with the standard Vietnamese greetings. Knowing the equivalent of “How are you?” in Vietnamese can be a great starting point.

English Vietnamese Pronunciation
Hello/Hi Xin chào/ Chào Sin chow/ Ciao
Good morning Chào buổi sáng Chow bwoi sang
Good afternoon Chào buổi chiều Chow bwoi chiew
Good evening Chào buổi tối Chow bwoi toi
How are you? Bạn khỏe không? Ban kho-e khom?
I’m fine, thanks Tôi khỏe, cảm ơn Toi kho-e, cam uhn
What’s your name? Tên bạn là gì? Ten ban la zee?
My name is Tên tôi là … Ten toy la ...
Goodbye Tạm biệt Tahm byet
See you again! Hẹn gặp lại! Hen gahp lie!
Nice to meet you! Thật tốt khi được gặp bạn/ anh Tat toht khi dwok gap ban/ an

While these Vietnamese phrases are commonly used by foreigners, they might not always come off as authentic. In Vietnam, pronouns play a significant role in conversations, adding depth and context. For instance, when greeting an older woman, it’s more appropriate to say “Em chào chi”. This personal touch reflects a deeper understanding and respect for the Vietnamese culture.


Here are some conversational phrases that have some utility as a non-native speaker trying to engage in some conversation.

English Vietnamese Pronunciation
Where are you going? Bạn đi đâu thế? Ban dee dau teh?
Have you eaten? Bạn/Anh/Chị/... ăn cơm chưa? Ban/Ahn/Chee ... an gom chua?
Hey! Ê! Eh!
Long time no see! Đã lâu không gặp! Dah lau khong gap!
How have you been? Dạo này bạn/anh/chị/... thế nào? Dao nai ban/ahn/chee ... teh nao?
What’s up? Có chuyện gì thế? Co chuyen gi teh?
How’s it going?/ How’s everything? Dạo này thế nào rồi? Dao nai teh nao roy?
How’s your day? Ngày hôm nay của bạn thế nào? Ngai hom nai cua ban teh nao?

Everyday Interactions: Handy Vietnamese Phrases

Saying please and thank you is appreciated in any culture and its no different in Vietnam.  Below is some more basic phrases and words worth knowing.

English Phrase Vietnamese Phrase Pronunciation
Thank you! Cảm ơn anh/chị! Kahm uhn
Thank you very much! Cảm ơn rất nhiều! Kahm uhn rat nyew
Thanks to you! Cảm ơn anh! / Cảm ơn chị! / Cảm ơn bạn! Kahm uhn
Please Làm ơn Lahm uhn
Excuse me Ảnh/chị ơi Unh/chee oy
Sorry Xin lỗi Sin loy
No problem Không có gì Khom koh zi
You're welcome Không có gì Khom koh zi
Good Tốt Tot
Yes Coh
No Không Khom
OMG Trời ơi Troy oy
Toilet Nhà vệ sinh Nha vay sinh
I love you Ảnh yêu em (em yêu ảnh) Anh yuh em (em yuh anh)
Happy New Year! Chúc mừng năm mới! Chook moong nam mway!
Happy birthday! Sinh nhật vui vẻ! Sin nhat vooi vay!
Goodbye Tạm biệt! Tahm byet!

Counting the Miles: Numbers in Vietnamese

Counting in Vietnamese is not so hard once you understand the basics and while this is not a definitive guide to some of the more subtle variations this will let you communicate and get the number across: 

Number Vietnamese Pronunciation
20Hai mườiHai muoy
50Năm mườiNahm muoy
100Một trămMoht chahm
200Hai trămHai chahm
1000Một nghìnMoht ngin
5000Năm NghìnNahm ngin
100,000Một trăm nghìnMoht chahm ngin
1,000,000Một triệuMoht chiew

Market Stops: Shopping in Vietnam

Vietnam offers a myriad of markets, many of which cater primarily to tourists and might have inflated prices. With Motorbike Adventures Vietnam, we prioritize authentic experiences for our guests. We strive to steer clear of the typical tourist markets, guiding you towards more genuine and local shopping venues. Nevertheless, when making purchases, it’s always a good practice to negotiate prices. Consider starting your offer at a rate that’s 15% to 30% lower than the initial price provided by the vendor. An unconventional yet effective tip when haggling is to compliment the seller. Kind words can surprisingly lead to more favorable pricing. Everyone, including the Vietnamese, appreciates a sincere compliment, making this approach beneficial for both building rapport and getting a good deal.

English Vietnamese Pronunciation
I like Tôi thích thoy tick
How much? Bao nhiêu? baow nyew
Too expensive Đắt quá dat qwa
Can you reduce the price? Giảm giá cho tôi. Zam za cho toy
Is there anything cheaper? Có cái nào rẻ hơn không? Co kai now ree hon khong?
I want to buy Tôi muốn mua thoy moon mwa
One size larger Lớn hơn một size Lon hon moht size
One size smaller Nhỏ hơn một size Nho hon moht size

Fuel Up: Navigating Restaurants and Cafés

Riding through Vietnam on a motorbike tour unveils a culinary landscape as diverse as its terrains, with flavors evolving from the phở-laden streets of Hanoi to the spicy delights of central regions and the fresh seafood offerings of the coast. Each town boasts unique dishes, reflecting the freshest of local ingredients and age-old traditions. Knowing terms like “gà” for chicken, “bò” for beef, and “tôm” for shrimp can be handy, but fret not! We at Motorbike Adventures Vietnam ensure meals that satisfy and assist in ordering anything that piques your curiosity. This journey is not just about the ride, but a tasting adventure through the very soul of Vietnam, one dish at a time.

English Vietnamese Pronunciation
Excuse me (to waitress) Chị ơi Chi oi
Excuse me (to waiter) Anh ơi Anh oi
What is it? Cái gì vậy? kai zi vai
The bill please Tính tiền Ting tien
No sugar Không đường Khom dueng
1 more Thêm 1 cái tem mop kai

Asking Directions in Vietnamese

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

English Vietnamese Pronunciation
Where Ở đâu? Uh zow?
I want to go to ... Tôi muốn đến Toy moon den
Where is the exit? Lối ra ở đâu? Loy rah uh zow?
Where is the entrance? Lối vào ở đâu? Loy vow uh zow?
Go straight Đi thẳng Dee tang
Turn left Rẽ trái Ray chay
Turn right Rẽ phải Ray fai
Stop Dừng lại Zung lie
How far is it? Bao xa Bow sah
Wait for 5 minutes Chờ 5 phút Chaw 5 foot

Safety First: Emergency Phrases

While we at Motorbike Adventures Vietnam pride ourselves on ensuring a seamless and secure journey, it’s always good to be prepared. Below are some emergency phrases that can be handy. Rest assured, when you’re on tour with us, our dedicated team is with you every step of the way to ensure you never need to use these. However, if you decide to explore the country independently before or after our tour, having these phrases on hand can be invaluable. Safety first, adventure always!

English Vietnamese Pronunciation
Help me! Giúp tôi với! Zoop toy voy
I need to go to the doctor Tôi cần gặp bác sỹ Toy can gab bac si
I'm sick Tôi bị ốm Toy bi om
I had food poisoning Tôi bị ngo doc thực ăn Toy bi nyo doc thuc an
I have been robbed Tôi bị trộm Toy bi chom
Call the police Hãy gọi cảnh sát Hai goi canh sat
Please Làm ơn Lahm uhn

Why Learn? The Joys of Picking Up Vietnamese

Venturing into a new country is not just about witnessing scenic views, tasting delectable food, or experiencing thrilling activities. It’s also about immersing oneself into the heart of the culture, and language plays a pivotal role in that immersion. Learning even a few Vietnamese phrases can elevate your travel experience from ordinary to extraordinary. When you try to communicate in Vietnamese, it’s a sign of respect, curiosity, and enthusiasm that locals appreciate deeply. It creates memorable interactions, opening doors to authentic experiences that many travelers miss out on.

At Motorbike Adventures Vietnam, we believe that speaking a little Vietnamese can provide you with richer, deeper connections during your tour. It allows you to engage with the local communities in ways that transcend mere transactional interactions. However, we also understand that not everyone will be fluent or comfortable speaking the language. That’s why our team is always there to guide, translate, and ensure that communication is seamless. So, while picking up Vietnamese isn’t a necessity for our tours, it’s a delightful addition that can make your adventure all the more memorable.


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